Welcome to Adoring Diane Guerrero, the largest and most complete fan site dedicated to the talented actress, author, and activist Diane Guerrero. Diane is best known for her roles on Orange is the New Black, Jane the Virgin, Superior Donuts and most recently as Crazy Jane on Doom Patrol. The aim of this fan site is to serve as a comprehensive and respectful online resource for news and photos of Diane and her projects. Be sure to visit our photo gallery, which is complete featuring images from all of Diane's projects - totaling over 70,000+ photos, and bookmark us at diane-guerrero.com!

Beyond Control

Production Info

Character: Tasha

Directed by: Patrick Jerome

Written by: Patrick Jerome

Produced by: Jean Desire

Cast Members: Rodrigo Rangel, Mike Starr, Vinny Vella, Fred Williamson, Jimmy Scanlon

Released date: April 15, 2012

Genre: Drama, Mystery, Thriller

Duration: 1 hour 35 minutes

A decade of conspiracies, frauds, and murders unfolds after Victoria Crown reveals that her husband, Jose Farias, is involved in drug trafficking. As an immigrant from Brazil, Jose is a chef at a five star restaurant and very connected to his family. Detective John Gore investigates the case to put an end to the alleged illegal business. Beyond Control takes us on a journey that warns us how trust can affect us forever.
Additional Info

→ A decade of conspiracies, frauds, and murders unfolds as Jose Farias goes under investigation for drug trafficking.

Script developed by Never Enough Design